University Preregisters Dyslexic Students

The Dyslexia Educational Network (DEN) is the world's first broadcasting company for dyslexia. DEN broadcasts worldwide at Founder Robert Langston has dyslexia, is a parent of a dyslexic child and has authored of two books about his experiences with dyslexia in school and life.


Dyslexia Accommodations

Dyslexia Accommodations High School

Dyslexia Accommodations in College


So what do we have? So right now we have oral testing, untimed test, separate classroom, alternative class list for foreign language, readers, note takers, the next one…early bird registration. Early bird registration. Where did that one come from? Well I figured out early on not every teacher could teach me.  It really took the very best teachers to teach me. Now what do I say when I say… how do you criteria-ize the very best teachers? For me it was simple. The very best teachers are the teachers that care.  Absolutely that simple. It’s the teacher who’s going to make the extra effort in the classroom for the child. And I always tell people, how do you find the teachers that care? How do you find the best teacher? You do just like we do in business. You poll everybody. You ask, ‘who is the best?’ So I go to Ann Phillips, ‘who is the best teacher for English?’ That’s going to be my toughest subject at the university, you know. I ask my friends, ‘who did you take? Who did you like?’ I asked everybody and guess what? If you poll people, one or two names will come up every time. Those are your best two teachers. It’s absolutely that simple. And also when I talk to teachers I say, ‘I challenge you to be that name that comes up every single time. Because if you do that you’ll know you’re meeting the needs of your children in your classroom. And it’s simple – you care. So all of sudden I’m asking and sure enough one or two names come up every single time. And so I choose one of the names to take for my English class, right. So also I’m thinking I’m going to take… so now I got to go talk to this professor. So sure enough I call their office and I say, ‘I would like to set up an appointment and come talk to you about taking your class.’ Right.  Professor automatically thinks well that’s kind of weird, but ok; sets the appointment. Sure enough I walk in, ‘hey my name is Rob Langston. I have my wheel chair form with me.’ Right. So I walk up and I hand them my wheel chair form and I say, I would like to take your class in the fall. This is what I’m going to need... Join for full broadcasts and transcripts.